Saturday, December 26, 2009

Your Boyfriend Says He Needs Space - What You Should and Shouldn't Do If You Want to Keep Him

What's the first thing that happens when your boyfriend says he needs space? If you're anything like me and millions of other women they has happened to, you go into panic mode. You immediately start crying and you try whatever you can think of to make him change his mind. This may include becoming hysterical, yelling and begging him to reconsider. Chances are if you do any of these things, he's still going to leave and he may never come back. If you truly want him back, you've got to get a plan in place to make that happen and you've got to place your emotions aside in order to really be successful.

The one thing you absolutely must do if your boyfriend says he needs space is accept it, for now at least. You've got to show him that you're mature enough to accept change and that you respect him enough to give him what he wants. What you shouldn't do is to try and convince him that he's making the biggest mistake of his life. If you do that he's only going to resist any desire he may have to get back together with you because he won't want to prove you right. Just try and put a smile on your face, for the time being, and tell him that you understand that he needs time. A good way to set things in motion for a future reunion between you two is to tell him that you've been thinking about a break too. This may seem cruel but it actually will work to your advantage since men can't stand rejection.

The next thing you absolutely must do if your boyfriend says he needs space is to follow through with giving him that space. Stop talking to him for at least a few weeks. This means no contact at all. Don't fall into a pit of despair thinking that he's going to meet someone, fall in love with them and marry them within that time frame. He's not. He is going to start to miss you though. He's going to start thinking about all the good times you two shared and he's going to wonder why you aren't trying to chase him and get him back. It will make him start to wonder whether he's losing you for good. It's that wonder that is going to bring him right back to you.

Getting your ex boyfriend back is possible. If you are tired of worrying about a future without him and if you are at a loss about what to do to get him back, there is help. Every move you make and everything you say to him after your break up will either get you a second chance or will ensure he's gone for good. Why risk making a mistake that may cost you a future with the man you love most in the world?

There are proven techniques for getting your ex boyfriend back now. To learn step-by step what you need to do to get your man back. You'll even learn the exact words you need to be saying to him to win his heart back now. This helped me not only get back the man I adore, but it made our relationship stronger than ever. Please don't leave this to fate or chance. If you love him, don't let him get away.

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